Song Sheet September 15th

Entrance Hymn: Take Up Your Cross

Take up your cross, the Savior said, if you would my disciple be; deny yourself, the world forsake, and humbly follow after me.

Take up your cross, be not ashamed! Let not disgrace your spirit fill! For God himself endured to die upon a cross, on Calvary’s hill.

Take up your cross, which gives you strength, which makes your trembling spirit brave: ‘Twill guide you to a better home and lead us to victory o’er the grave.

Take up your cross, and follow Christ, nor think till death to lay it down; For only they who bear the cross may hope to wear the glorious crown.

Offertory Hymn: Center of My Life

(Refrain) O Lord, You are the center of my life. I will always praise you, I will always serve you, I will always keep you in my sight.

Keep me safe O God, I take refuge in you. I say to the Lord "You are my God, My happiness lies in you alone, My happiness lies in you alone." (To Refrain)

I will bless you, Lord, who give me counsel, And even at night directs my heart. I keep the Lord, ever in my sight, Since you are at my right I shall stand firm. (To Refrain)

And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; Even in safety shall my body rest For you will not leave my soul among the dead, Nor let your beloved know decay. (To Refrain)

You will show me the path of life, The fullness of joy in your presence, At your right hand, at your right hand Happiness forever. (To Refrain)

Communion Hymn: This Bread That We Share

(Refrain) This bread that we share, the body of Christ, this cup of blessing his blood. We who come to this table come to be healed. When we love one another we become the sons and daughters of God, we become the bread, become the cup, the presence of Christ revealed.

We who come to this table of hope, come seeking strength for the journey. Here alone are the weary refreshed, the broken in spirit made whole. (To Refrain)

We who come to this table of peace, carry within us the promise: truth and justice shall flow through the land and righteousness fill every heart. (To Refrain)

We who come to this table of love, find here a friend who is faithful. Always present to us in our need, the love of the Lord never fails! (To Refrain)

Recessional Hymn: Lift High the Cross

(Refrain) Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name!

Led on their way by this triumphant sign, the hosts of God in conquering ranks combine. (To Refrain)

Each New-Born Soldier Of The Crucified Bears On His Brow The Seal Of Him Who Died (To Refrain)

O Lord, once lifted on the glorious tree, As thou hast promised, draw the world to thee.(To Refrain)


Sun | Sep 15, 2024 | 5 pm


Sun | Sep 8, 2024 | 5 pm