As you approach our doors, you will find the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue, a warm invitation to experience His boundless love and mercy. We believe that Jesus patiently waits for each of us, offering His love and peace. It would be our privilege to introduce you to Him and accompany you on your journey to know His mercy, love, and the profound peace He offers.

Feel free to reach out to our staff; we're here to journey with you as His missionary disciples.


Phone: 337-837-1864
Fax: 337-837-1703

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday:
8AM - 12PM & 1PM - 4PM

Address: 200 W. Main St. Broussard, LA 70518

  • Mass Schedule

    Weekend Mass

    Click here to see the presider schedule

    Saturday Vigil: 5PM

    Sunday: 7AM, 9AM*, 11AM*, 5PM

    *Childcare is available for children ages 1-4 during these Masses in the Parish Life Center

    Daily Mass

    Monday-Friday: 8:30AM
    1st Saturday: 8:30AM

    Holy Days of Obligation

    6:30AM, 8:30AM, 6:00PM

    Ash Wednesday

    8:30AM, 12:10PM, 6:00PM

  • Confession






    3:30PM - 4:30PM

    By Appointment

    Contact our office to schedule an appointment (337) 837-1864

  • Adoration






    Chapel Open 24/7

    Call Parish Office for Chapel Code

    (337) 837-1864

    Become a Committed Adorer

    Contact Alicia McDuffie (337) 654-8745

  • Office

    Business Hours


    8AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM

    Phone: 337-837-1864

    Address: 200 W. Main St. Broussard, LA 70518


  • Anyone may request a Mass to be said using the form provided below. The offering for Mass Intentions is $5 per Mass per name. The form must be printed and submitted to the parish office at least 3 weeks before the Mass you wish to include in the bulletin.

    To request a Mass intention, please print this form.

    Alternatively, you can visit the Parish Office in person to make your Mass Intention request.

  • Fill out this form to update your contact information!

  • New Parishioner Form

    Becoming a parishioner is much more than a registration. It is an entryway into our parish family. We would love the opportunity to meet you in person, give you a tour of our campus, and share with you all that the Lord is doing in our parish.

    If you’re interested in becoming a parishioner or just have a question, please fill out this form.

    After we receive your information a member of our team will contact you to follow up.

    Have Questions?

    Contact Tiffany at

  • Please note due to a high volume of requests, our staff would appreciate at least one week’s notice for requests. You can make your request by calling our parish office (337) 837-1864

    *Only the legal guardian or person whose name is on the document can request a record.

  • Please contact Tracy at with questions regarding our cemetery/mausoleum.

Forms & Policies