We welcome all individuals and families who are interested in becoming Catholic into our One Heart Family.
It’s our privilege to walk with you! Our team accompanies people at every place on their faith journey, including those who are inquiring about and those who already know they want to join the Catholic Church. We also help those who have been away from the Church return at a comfortable pace.
Have questions or want to begin the journey?
How do adults join the catholic church?
Baptized Christians
Those who have been baptized and raised in another Christian faith community and desire to follow Jesus in the full communion of the Catholic Church will receive appropriate instruction and make a public profession of faith.
Unbaptized persons
Those who have never been baptized will follow the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).
Baptized Catholics
Baptized adult Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation will follow an individual path.
How do i become catholic?
Depending on your faith background, the length and pace of your journey to become Catholic may differ from others. Rites and sacraments take place when both the individuals and the parish are ready. Prayerful discernment is always a part of each person’s journey.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is the journey unbaptized adults travel to become Catholic and fully initiated into the Church. It is more than just learning the history, rules, and regulations. It’s about building a relationship with God and the worshipping community. To learn more about OCIA, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website.
Adults who have already been validly baptized in another Christian faith tradition follow a path customized as much as possible to their unique needs and previous faith journey. It’s likely that the length and pace of your faith journey may differ from others. Rites and sacraments take place when both the individual and the parish are ready. Prayerful discernment is always a part of each person’s journey.
Baptized Catholic adults seeking to be confirmed follow a path customized as much a possible to their unique needs and previous faith journey. It’s likely that the length and pace of your faith journey may differ from others. The sacrament is celebrated when both the individual and the parish are ready and with the permission of the Bishop. Prayerful discernment is alwas a part of each person’s journey.
Click here to inquire about adult confirmation.
Looking for more information?
Contact our Becoming Catholic Team at becomingcatholic@shbroussard.org or 337-837-1864, ext. 223