Song Sheet Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

Entrance Hymn: Immaculate Mary

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing. You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.

(Refrain) Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria! Ave, Ave, Maria!

In heaven the blessed your glory proclaim; On earth we your children invoke your fair name. (To Refrain)

We pray for our Mother, the Church upon earth, And bless, Holy Mary, the land of our birth. (To Refrain)

Offertory Hymn: Hail Mary Gentle Woman

Hail Mary, full of grace The lord is with you Blessed are you among women And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus Holy Mary, mother of God Pray for us sinner now And at the hour of death Amen

(Refrain) Gentle woman, Quiet light, Morning star, So strong and bright Gentle mother, Peaceful dove, Teach us wisdom, teach us love

You were chosen by the father You were chosen for the son You were chosen from all women And for woman, shining one. (To Refrain)

Blessed are you among women, blest in turn all women, too. Blessed they with peaceful spirits. Blessed they with gentle hearts. (To Refrain)

Communion Solo: Ave Maria

Recessional Hymn: Hail Holy Queen

Hail holy queen enthroned above Oh Maria! Hail mother of mercy and of love Oh Maria!

(Refrain) Triumph all ye cherubim; Sing with us ye seraphim. Heaven and earth resound the hymn Salve, salve, salve, Regina.

Our life, our sweetness here below Oh Maria! Our hope in sorrow and in woe Oh Maria! (To Refrain)

And when our life breath leaves us, O Maria! Show us thy Son, Christ Jesus. O Maria! (To Refrain)


Sun | August 18, 2024 | 5 pm


Song Sheet August 18th