All elementary students (grades pre-K-5th) are welcome to participate in Elementary Formation at Sacred Heart!
We are proud to offer religious education through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) program. This interactive program is based off of the Montessori method of childhood education and is firmly committed to the beliefs of the Catholic Church. The children not only learn the basics of the faith but experience an authentic encounter with Jesus that remains with them as they grow in age.
CGS Level 1 is offered to students in grades PREK-2nd grade.
CGS Level 2 is offered to students in grades 1st-3rd grade and for those students who have completed CGS Level 1.
CGS classes are on a first come first serve basis and are open to Sacred Heart Parishioners first.
Due to limited space, we may not be able to offer this particular program to every child in our parish.
Preparation for First Communion is seperate from, and in addition to Religious Education classes which occur either in a Catholic School or through our Parish Education Program for public school students. The program is typically done in a child’s 2nd grade year.
First Communion Prep is for ALL 2nd grade students whose parents are parishioners at Sacred Heart. This includes St. Cecilia students, public school students, non-Catholic private school students, and other Catholic school students. We hope to provide meaningful opportunities for students and their families to grow in understanding of the sacraments while preparing to receive God’s mercy in Reconciliation and Jesus’ full loving presence in the Eucharist for the very first time.
All 2nd grade candidates will participate in the Blessed program by Dynamic Catholic. Students and an adult (parent, godparent, grandparent, aunt, uncle) will attend sessions weekly for six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring. This time will consist of a lesson from the Blessed book, videos and discussion. These sessions will be on Sundays from 3:30-4:45 p.m. An adult must stay with the candidate for the duration of the session.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children;” and “through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children.” We are excited to implement this vision through our family catechesis program that empowers our parents to establish a Domestic Church, the Church at home.
Our Family Faith Formation program provides 3rd-5th grade students with the opportunity to grow closer to Christ in a variety of different ways. Once a month, 3rd-5th grade students and their parents will attend class on campus. Classes will consist of prayer time, a lesson, a project or activity, and students will have the opportunity to discuss their faith with peers in small faith sharing groups called “Grow Groups.” Students will also be given the opportunity to enter into the Sacraments throughout the year in addition to learning more about our Catholic faith through experiences like a tour of our church and a chance to make a Holy Hour in our Adoration chapel. Parents are also given the great privilege of listening to and talking with a dynamic speaker. The topics will focus on issues that parents with children face as well as how to grow in their own personal faith.
Want more information?
Contact Katie Fontenot, Elementary Ministry Coordinator, at katie@shbroussard.org